1. It may be because he has a high degree of seriousness, and he tell us certain stories matter, and certain qualities like courage, they have meaning. We watch maybe to see if anything makes him smile or laugh! He seems to find his life of shows and interviews difficult and stressful. He has such a wierd voice that seems to express a high degree of pain and stress, but keeps us listening. It may be that he also has a sense of mission to save us all from going the wrong way, intellectually and socially, and we respond to that which of course, lies next to the seriousness. He never seems to be stumped by a question or a challenge and that is really important for his followers - he has followers.
3. It can't be denied that we need some new ideas because the old ones aren't working for us, and we need someone who explains things in a new way - not an economic way and not in an overtly political way though I believe his thoughts have some political implications - but drawing from his studies of our psychological human nature and explaining it to us as something which asks for more than simple gratification but for
"self-actualisation, which requires qualities ranging from a sense of humour to profound self-reliance. Beyond even this come needs such as discovery, transcendence and aesthetics, which can lead to peak experiences: moments of transcendence and harmony, also known as an oceanic feeling. "
This is from a paragraph about The Hierarchy of Needs, by Abraham Maslow, in a book called "Psychology in a Nutshell" by Joel Levy.4. Nobody can prove that a psychologist is right, to some extent. At present it seems to be a hotchpotch of borrowed ideas - you can borrow some from Jung, if you like, and a dollop of Nietzsche if you like and Maslow seems to be pretty safe. However, the ideas should be plausible and answer all the questions we need to answer about what we want and why we do the things we do.
5. In 12 Ways to change your life there are ideas you can put into action - to do with finding out what you want and putting it into words and specifying what you want or need in order not to feel resentment for an unspecified reason. The reason is simply that you haven't got what you want and you need a plan for getting it, and you might fail but you certainly ought to try. Courageously. It is a plan full of hope, if you have never tried before.
I haven't finished writing this but I may never do so, I'll just explain that this is incomplete.