Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Infinite Monkey Cage - a radio 4 recording at Broadcasting House

We were lucky! We had a very good edition of monkey cage with some very interesting talk about neurobiology (the brain) and Jo Brand was on. Our scientists were very good communicators and the conversation flowed very well. The only trouble was we had to stand up – the show took about an hour and 20 to record and for the radio they cut it down to a thirty minute discussion, so some of the coherence and flow will be lost in the edit. I find that sometimes I listen to shows and lose the thread and have to rewind and still find the talk difficult to follow, and clearly that is why; - because it was over-edited.

We went into a new entrance to the Beeb in Great Portland Street and you look straight down in to a huge hub of desks and computers and all the studios up above have glass walls onto this hub area. – it’s very exciting and modern. Florence thought it was very cool but Ashley and I rather missed the old days when it all seemed smaller and friendlier.

Link to the show: It was really, really interesting -

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