Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Operation to a hand

My daughter tore a tendon from the end of her finger and needs a 2- operation procedure to mend it. This means a lot of trips to the hospital an hour's drive away. She is now recovering from the first stage of the procedure and has to keep moving the finger and hand that is painful from the first operation. Then the doctor needs to take a tendon from her foot to use in her hand.

Poor unlucky girl! We wonder if it is worth the trouble as it is only the top joint of the ring finger, which is the weakest anyway. But it turns out the surgeon and the OT do this procedure regularly, or at least they say they do.

It is keeping me occupied with trips to the hospital. Poor Florence, she won't be able to learn to drive until the whole procedure is done, which will be another 5/6 months.

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