Sunday 14 April 2013

Fab day

Warm! gosh, what a joy to be warm at last! We skiffed round the island this morning - not this island, which is Temple Island at Henley, but in one of these skiffs. We rowed hard and fairly sweatily,  and I have a right hand blister.

The trees are very late this year after many years when they have been early. So good to see a few leaves at last. I cheered! The irises are coming up by the water side.
In the garden, I have a few drumstick primulas flowering at last after about 5 years without flowers, 2 kinds of crocosmia coming up - one of which I moved and thought I had killed, so especially glad to see that one, sea holly hanging on in there, and a  new euphorbia, with lovely yellow bracts. Other people have flowers all over their camellias and mine is always late, but should be out this week. I chopped the magnolia back so it won't have many flowers this year, but it will recover. the earth is full of worms - lovely pink and mauve ones, so I don't know why things don't grow well. 
I have too much bulbous stuff I think - I nearly dug up an agapanthus not knowing where it was, same with some bluebells.

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