Friday, 21 June 2013

The men who commute

The men on the train at the end of the day were surprisingly, given that it is a Friday, fresh looking, in well-cut  coloured shirts, no ties, and seemed in good form, unlike the fat and sweaty old stockbrokers that used to frequent these avenues. They carried rucksacks or laptop bags. They cut along from the station very quickly in their brogues. No doubt they were going home to change into their running gear and go out to speed along the pavements to let off steam. Because people of all ages do that all the time around here.

I went to the Kings Road, Chelsea, to meet my friends today, and they were all in fine form, as well they might be because they are slightly younger than me. We had lunch at Medlar, which I recommend highly as it is charming and friendly with excellent food, and not tiny portions either. It is a long way away from Sloane Square though - the other end of King's Road. London was so refreshing - smart people walking, busy with the sales, spirited and fun, with strange sights here and there - a woman with purple dreadlocks, a man on a penny farthing bicycle holding on to a street sign.

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