Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Andy Leeks again

I am now on volume 3 of Andy Leeks' commuter diary and gosh, volume 3 is interesting. I can't remember anything that happened in Volume 2. I do remember that it repeated too much of volume 1, especially the musings on Christmas and New Year. But in Volume 3 Andy's wife gets pregnant! They already have a little girl who's clearly adorable, being bright and imaginative, and looking after her takes up much of Andy's spare time. Now they are getting excited about number 2, and then Andy starts to feel a bit down, so he books a holiday to Cyprus; they can go during term time, lucky things. Then, after some difficulties with making the hire car go, they get to the villa and Andy falls down the stairs! Oh my word. Is he terribly injured? I believe there are more shocks in store.

Andy is not unlike Charles Pooter (the Diary of a Nobody) in that his concerns are not large, he rails against the bags-on-wheels movement, for example. Why not just carry your briefcase as people always have? The non-functioning lift is also a target of his sarcasm. However, his jokes are entirely intentional, funny, and often at his own expense, and small snobberies aren't his thing either, so maybe he is entirely unlike Charles Pooter.

See previous post A short, funny read

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