Monday, 15 February 2016

Allotment part 3


Planted: 4 rhubarb crowns of different kinds (came from RHS)
Planted: 17 Raspberry canes: 2 rows, posts in place, wires to come! Pending wirecutters.
Planted: 2 rows onion seedlings - not much growth although they've been in for months - and onion sets, 2 rows.

Dug over: 3/4 of the present planting area. This was amazingly easy because we covered the ground with cardboard (which was given to us by the incredibly helpful Nick) and with the woven black fabric over winter, and found that the turfs had pretty much rotted away. Loads of worms in the soil, lovely; but sadly, many couch grass roots and ground bindweed roots.

Mulched with bought peat-free compost: the lettuce and courgette area.

Pending: a bonfire in an incinerator - maybe today?

Bought: seed potatoes - went for Charlottes and Maris Piper - very conservative.
Bought: lots of seeds, including annual flowers to encourage bees. I shall sow in some trays today.

We haven't seen Nick so much lately, which is good because his advice can be overwhelming. He is very pedagogical: a real teacher, but if you make a mistake he gets very cast down, while the other old bloke says vaguely encouraging things and takes an interest rather than getting too involved.

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