Tuesday 14 February 2017

Dead Dad envy

This is quite funny, in a bleak way. When I was sixteen my father fell in love with another woman, and left my mother, me and my three brothers to go and live with her and her daughter. My father adopted the daughter and she became his favourite child (in fact he pretended that she was his only child, and why not?) After a lifetime of resenting this stepsister I suddenly decided that she'd probably had quite a hard time with her mother and my dad not always being the easiest of parents (very irresponsible) and I friended her on Facebook.

As my father died two months ago she is writing a lot on her wall about how much she misses him. Hey. We missed him too. We missed him a long time ago for a more heart-breaking reason. She is annoying me again with her "I was daddy's girl" thing. I was too!! God, yes.

So I put a picture of our original family up on Facebook. She will probably just laugh at my demented outfit (but it was the fashion!)

Here is my original family, from my first life, when there were six of us and we lived by the river in Walton. After I was sixteen we had to leave this place and my second life began.

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