Now, what do you call a long walk? I think with me anything under 5 miles is a short walk. Between 5 and 8 miles, it’s an average to longish walk and over 8 miles is a long walk. On Monday Karen and I walked from Walton bridge to Home Park and around Home Park, a quick trip into Bushy Park, and back to Walton which was 14 miles and was long. I am feeling it today and must not forget to do Yoga with Adriene when I have recovered from my lunch.
I suppose it might be a long time before my friend gets her birthday book because of the Brexit mess. That might go on forevermore. I wouldn’t mind, you know if I thought it was all an innocent mistake, but I don’t think it was. I think it’s a conspiracy so that the City can carry on laundering money as the EU tightens up on that, let the rich off paying their taxes, as the EU tightens up on that too, and screw the workers as their rights are taken away from them, e.g. the working time directive. That’s going. But the working-class votes Tory anyway. In spite of their rights being taken away and the country being poorer. Facebook targets them with scare stories about foreigners because their profile shows them to be uneducated and gullible.
There is to be a new TV station owned by Rupert Murdoch, and the BBC News is too boring to watch as it only reports on Covid. You would think, from the BBC news, that there is no other country but ours, or that we were the only nation-state hit by Covid. It’s all internal news and uncritical of any member of the government. All the government have shares in the firms that make the vaccines. Isn’t that insider trading? Oh, nobody cares about that anymore. (Most people don’t know what it is.) ITV is now my news channel of choice. The presenters seem amazingly honest and concerned compared with their BBC equivalents. Laura Kuenssberg called the Chancellor's allowance "generous" on radio 4 the other morning. I didn't hear it but Twitter was full of it.
I wrote all this before news came from the USA that Biden's administration is going to tackle money-laundering, which of course has been carrying on like merry Hell under Trump. He wants to look at the international money-laundering patterns and find ways of regulating it, i.e. taming it. I have not been so happy in a long time! Dear old Biden! Not so sleepy, is he? Probably he will get poisoned. Let's hope the Secret Service in the White House can keep the old boy safe. Nothing like this is going to happen here under a Tory government. Johnson is in the grip of the Russians. I believe his girlfriend is constantly on the phone to the oligarchs and passing on the instructions!!
There is a house in the middle of Home Park that's privately owned. Sarah S, who knows everything about Hampton Ct, said that this large house is owned by a Russian who owns a newspaper and it's guarded by a genuine wolf! K told her in no uncertain terms that this is illegal and couldn't be true. But I believe that if it's a Russian owner the law doesn't apply. Maybe it's a wolf.
Meanwhile, Navalny tries to lead some kind of opposition to Putin, but everybody knows he will just get bumped off, as every other opponent of Putin does, and the Russians are too used to corruption. It's what they expect. Things are different here. People don't expect it and eventually, they won't stand it.