Saturday 2 January 2021

The Man who Saw Everything by Deborah Levy

 A fascinating book written in a compelling style - lots of conversations. Takes us from London to Berlin in GDR times, and back again.

There are many allusions which had me listening to Abbey Road again. It's mainly Octopus's Garden it makes me think of - the early chapters where Saul (Saw-all) visits Jennifer More eau in her damp flat with the seaweed in a bucket, and they eat oysters, and the naked girl students come glistening from the sauna. There's a lot I don't understand. What is the meaning of the way the girls jump over the gate? I feel it all means something.

Saul wears pearls around his neck, which partly signposts his bisexuality but also is reminiscent of a quotation from the Tempest (and the Waste Land) "Those are pearls that were his eyes" - Saul will need a good many of these eyes if he is to see everything.

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