Saturday, 3 May 2014

Stuck into work, thinking about Germany

Recently I have been stuck into work and, apart from walking around the garden (this doesn't take long as it's only a small one, but longer as I have to pull up hundreds of sycamore seedlings), admiring the amazing spring transformation, I have been concentrating on that. I have 3 small classes and 2 big ones. So there are a great many individuals to think about when it comes to target-setting - which I have been slow to do but have started now and will finish next week: I need to manage some tutorial time. I have to write something up for all of them in their plans so I'm doing that and updating group profiles. Nice to get it all done so when the inspectors come you can say there: it's all there. They have not been to our college since 2007 and that is ridiculous. Many things have improved. But at the mo I think the way the management is treating the staff is appalling, they want to make many of us redundant and on top of that, they have made it difficult for us to park our cars. I have got my union details here and I am thinking of joining, but it is so expensive!

My friend in the Neths has sent me the website for Deutsche Bahn, and you can book your trains all in English. I feel really excited about going to Germany. I hope it's not too expensive to eat there. In Vienna we always bought breakfast in a cafe near the hotel and divided it into 2 as we had enough for lunch as well, and packed all the extra bread and cheese for lunch. We also ate in McDonald's as it was the cheapest, but we tried to find other places like kebab shops! which are always cheap. It's a good thing that I am into the art and the culture and not so bothered about the food, otherwise travel would be very painful. It was lovely in the Czech republic as eating was quite reasonable and the beer was cheaper than the coffee, and just what you need to drink in the heat.

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