Sunday 15 June 2014

Skiffing up the Wey Navigation

How to have a good day. Convene at 10:00 with lots of water and a packed lunch. Skiff beyond Shepperton lock to the little travelled Wey Navigation. Go to pub, lunch, skiff back in glorious sunshine. Sadly I have now got a skiffer's suntan, which means, red knees.
Back of the hut, Thames Lock

Note the date - 1653 - without the Navigation Weybridge wouldn't exist

Thames Lock is a double - and the last manned lock

All this was underwater  in the floods last time I posted it here

I recommend the beer

Had to go under the road bridge

The Town lock - 

Ghastly crowded suburbia and blooming raining too.

This weirstream makes getting into the lock difficult for a skiff, we had to take two shots at it

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