Saturday 6 December 2014

Christmas fundraiser for Save the Children

When I started teaching English at the Maybury Community Centre I inherited 2 volunteers from my predecessor. They are both remarkable retired women, had been volunteering for some time and are very helpful. V. continues to help me at Maybury and Ginny (aged 80+) stopped and helped me at Bellfields instead for a while, where I had a large class and needed some support. Then Ginny had an operation on her feet, so couldn't come, and then said her hips hurt so much she couldn't get out of bed. Suddenly her G.P. went into action but the specialists found that Ginny's body is full of cancer and she hasn't got long to live.

Until she got diagnosed, Ginny played the accordion and keyboard in a Barn Dance band, and also looked after their bookings. She had been a primary school teacher - hence she has nice clear writing - and she had 7 children of her own. She was the sort of person you can trust with your worries. I did, anyway.

Now she can't get out much, she is trying to raise money for Save the Children by selling cards. I think you'll like the designs: they are really cheerful. Have a look here! There is also a great picture of Ginny. She is now knitting squares as well. She hates not to be useful.

See Ginny's cards here - it's a website where you can order.

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