Saturday 13 December 2014

Oh woe is me.

I have got a cold. Oh, I am so not well I am writing this from my bed even thought it is a lovely day and I could be doing things in the garden and buying Christmas cards and sending said cards, and it is all because of my nose. My head is fine but not at all sensible. Yesterday in London I kept initiating conversations with complete strangers about their backpacks and their travel plans, or their country of origins (Romanians are begging in hordes in London, just as we had been warned before they joined the EU) or admiring their babies. I had a lovely time with my friend Sarah and fended off the cold with Strepsils and alcohol - a sherry in Gordon's wine bar, a mulled wine on the South Bank and when I got home, another glass of red because it was Friday.

Today I was meant to go to London with Amanda to sing carols and I just couldn't. It's a real shame. Every one has to keep well away from me. They have to keep well, away from me.

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