Sunday 20 March 2016

My old boss

Well, who should I see in the pages of Waitrose's freebie but my old boss Andy! and his partner Zoe. Andy was a fab boss, informative, generous and informal, but he did change his mind a lot (it drove Janine up the wall, she ended up writing down and asking him to sign everything he had told her to do), and he became unpredictable as the business became more difficult. I got out soon after that - before it all ended. I have all good memories of him which is pretty amazing when someone employs you in a private business for five years. So now Andy has a new company managing data (Zoe loves databases) and also does this pork business in the Kingston market at the weekends - good for the spirit of enterprise that moves them both!

I remember saying to Andy that I had never got any holiday pay, and he said I should get holiday pay - "Look at your contract!" he said. I said I hadn't got a contract. True. I never had a contract and as far as I knew I didn't have any rights. From time to time he did give me holiday pay - but not every year. I also remember him covering my holiday leave and him phoning up and asking me how to do something or other (run an exam online I think) and trying to give detailed instructions while I was washing up in a field in Devon. Haha, those were the days.
He gave us some excellent Christmas dinners,  also took us all to the races - we went to Epsom and it was absolutely fabulous - we had champagne - and I lost all my bets. I can't pick a horse.

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