Sunday 14 January 2018

The Fabian Society is a secret organisation that undermines freedom!

According to these strange protesters we had at the Fabian society conference.  Lenin was a Fabian. (Shaw said so - I don't think Lenin was, it was just Shaw trying to shake things up.) The Fabian society is completely unsecretive and  sold tickets to their conference to anyone, by the way, not just members.

These protesters are nothing if not confusing, and their arguments, that socialists are capitalists and the world is run by the Rothschilds, indicate an unwillingness or inability to separate one idea from another. But this film is quite funny.

Sorry - it has been shortened, but honestly it was funny because they start to quote Magna Carta as though it is a magic spell which will take us all back to Merrie England when everyone was happy. Yeah, right.

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