Wednesday, 6 June 2018

North Downs Way - parts one and two.

The first part of this walk is the path from Farnham to Guildford, but because of the trains, we did it backwards, and of course it was still lovely. We had coffee in the Watts Gallery, which I wrote about here - some time ago. The cafe has been extended and although the cakes are overpriced it does good coffee!! And the loos are good.

Then we had a beer in a pub called The Good Intent.It's a lovely pub with hops over the bar and good local ales and guest ales, in a village called Puttenham. I wish I lived in Puttenham.Pictures here.

We had lunch in a craft barn in Seale, that had been taken over by Pinnocks coffee shop and was doing a roaring trade. These breaks provided essential interest and it was a lovely day - about 11 miles walking.

We did the second part on Bank Hol Monday. It was 13 miles and went from Guildford to Dorking. The path was mainly up on a ridge and didn't take in much of interest, although the views were good. We stopped at Newlands Corner for an ice cream and coffee, and later, went down into Shere village for a beer and a packet of crisps which added quite a long hill into our route, but it was nice to stop and see something. We ate our sandwiches by the stream in Shere, where there were ducks and children in the water, and cyclists take a break from their long distance cycling. There was much woodland in this walk which protected us from the glare of the sun, and we focussed on the trees and plants - there were some mixed plantings with yew as well as beech and birch  as there was nothing to see of particular interest. 

I must note that we caught a GWR train back from Dorking and there was no way of buying a ticket, either at the station or on the train. I would suggest to GWR they supply some machines because people would pay for their journeys if they could. I think their business model is essentially flawed!

Guildford to Dorking:

This is a "pill-box" a defence from WWII

Guildford Rowing club - we passed here on both our walks.
 Guildford to Farnham:
Plenty of bluebells

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