Thursday, 16 January 2020

My sense of smell came back

My sense of smell came back slowly. First I noticed I could smell coffee, and then I noticed other things. At first some of the smells were the wrong smells, for example, my body still smelled of celery. Also, last summer I found I could smell many musty plant smells which I couldn't before, so I was continually sniffing and saying "what's that smell?" and wanting to track it down to some bush or other like a bloodhound. I found it very entertaining. It was a long time before I could smell all the smells, for example, smelling bleach took quite a long time, but now I find it a terribly strong smell, I can smell it from yards away. And I can smell shampoo! How lovely!

I told my hairdresser about this. She told me that her sister had a terrible accident to her head, and lost both her sense of smell and her sense of taste, which is a real affliction. My hairdresser says recently she has noticed her sister sniffing at things in a puzzled way. I do hope it means she is recovering.

I think that it was the blow to my upper lip that temporarily damaged my sense of smell, although I can't find it written anywhere that this is possible as the olfactory nerves are not located there.

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