Saturday, 28 September 2013

Blue Jasmine

This Woody Allen film is not in the least fun. It's interesting and thoughtful, but it's bleak. There are themes: outright dishonesty is one, the murky area of being complicit in dishonesty is another, the shocking behaviour of an unfaithful husband, the anger of a betrayed wife, wealth based on fraud, the relationship between adopted siblings who really have nothing in common, the anger of a child betrayed by both parents. Emotionally it's quite exhausting.

San Francisco looks interesting; it has a completely different feel to it from New York. Cate Blanchett plays a New York woman who is completely out of her milieu, and to some extent she tries to adjust, you can feel sorry for her but at the same time you have to get annoyed with her for her lack of sensitivity to the people around her.

But the men are so much worse than the women.

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