Saturday 19 July 2014

Good and bad things about this time of year.

Good things
 The cricket commentary on the radio. "Oh, he's bowled!"  " ...And he's gone!" the hullaballoo from Lord's. G Boycott saying "His mother should have slapped 'im more when he were a lad", etc, etc.

Bad thing
We are often so maddeningly bad at cricket.

Good thing
It gets incredibly hot and it takes no time to dry the clothes.

Bad thing
Everything needs washing because we get so sweaty.

Good thing
The lime trees stop dropping flowers.

Bad thing
The lime trees drop their seeds.

Good thing
There's time to do all the things you need to do.

Bad thing
You feel as though you ought to be outside making the most of the hot weather, and out there, it's too hot to do anything.

Good thing
Spectacular thunderstorms

Bad thing

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