The reason I have not written much lately is because my mother has been very poorly, and my writing has consisted of postings to a group of close family (who live hundreds of miles away) about her health and what we are doing for her. Really, my mum has turned into my hobby; taking her to the doctor and to clinics, shopping for her food and making sure she has clean nighties etc. However, her memory has just about gone; (but it comes back at times) and she won't eat. I won't go into all of it but I am looking after her because I can. I always wondered if I would ever be able to do this (be a parent to my own mother) and I am pleased to say that I can, and I am doing it.
S has come back from university with something that might be scabies. Glorious with his 2:1, but not to be hugged in case I catch the ghastly infestation. He too needs looking after (have to wash every stitch of his clothing and bedding) and find him some employment.
But today we are taking part in a multi-media art installation at Henley on Thames. I have a dress which is my tribute to Grayson Perry, (large yellow watercolour poppies) and a very large yellow hat. I am pleased with my ensemble (it came from the Princess Alice Hospice shop in Weybridge) and hope to contribute a splash of yellow to the colourful scene. I do hope the weather improves. I have not bought a colourful umbrella.
Normal colours - but we can improve upon these!
In my Henley outfit (Grayson Perry tribute)
Gloriana, made for the Queen's Jubilee, but she spurned it!!! |
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