Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Allotment news (part 6)

We have lost nothing at the allotment (touch wood; and there may yet be frost); we covered the beans and pea shoots with netting to protect them from the birds. The sun and the rain (it’s pouring down here) should do the plants no end of good. I have got some courgette seedlings in pots (8 of them) and a few more runner beans as I don’t have that many in the ground, and tomato plants ready to pot on. I have a really bad record with mange tout – not many seedlings have appeared, even though I soaked the seeds in half an aspirin solution.

A man called Brian in the next plot but one gave me some strawberry plants because he had too many; I planted 14 of them. I now have more fruit than I intended with the rhubarb already up (but it isn't doing very much).

The potatoes are just beginning to show their shoots, but that part of the ground harbours the roots of ground bindweed which is sprouting madly, but I hope we will eradicate them this year.

Bramley Apple tree that is fragile

Beans, mange tout and sweet peas
Other Apple tree very covered in blossom
In the background there s a row of parsnips (in the wrong place).

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