Friday 13 May 2016

Watching the Telly - Cunk on Shakespeare

I was very tired yesterday. Went for a walk and in the evening I had a telly fest and watched 3 programmes. I watched Cunk on Shakespeare to see if it was funny. It's a long mild joke about a woman reporter who knows nothing about her subject and has an unpleasant manner and a face like a slapped bottom. I assume that the pundits she interviews are "in" on the joke, but they try not to show that they are. But at the end of the show she interviewed a person called Ben Crystal about Shakespeare's habit of inventing words. I thought, "Aha, perhaps he is the son of Professor David Crystal, the famous linguistics prof!" and so I looked him up - and found his British Council talks on Shakespeare's original pronunciation. Enjoyed these very much.

Short talk here

So went back to look at the Philomena Cunk section again (on iPlayer) and really thought Ben Crystal very gorgeous.

Website with pics and information

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