Wednesday 5 December 2012

Moby Dick the big read.

Last evening I went for a good walk and listened to Moby Dick, which is a podcast you can download through itunes. It is beautiful to listen to, like poetry. The chapters are all read by different readers, so one is not annoyed by hearing the same voice all the time. Yesterday I was on a particularly long chapter read by Simon Callow. I didn't recognise his voice at first because he managed to sound like Bill Bryson until he got into his stride, when he seemed to hit the New England accent, as far as I can tell. What a remarkable gift the man has! It was a long and difficult chapter where he took the part of a preacher telling about Jonah and the Whale, and it was like rolling waves of language, crashing in my ears as irregularly but as inevitably as the waves of the ocean.

here is the linkTHE SERMON

As I came back down the muddy path it was almost completely dark and there was no streetlight, and it was such a joy not to be able to see! It was damp and foggy too.

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